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​"Write what should not be forgotten" - Isabel Allende 

Submissions are closed. 

Submissions to the Literary Magazine
We accept a variety of genres including, creative nonfiction, fiction, haikus, poems, plays, spoken word, etc. Submit as many pieces as you like! There are no themes for any of our issues. That said, please do not send us any extremely violent or sexual pieces. 
- Cannot exceed 300 lines (if it is a little over we will make an exception) 
- If your poetry is formatted unconventionally please use google docs when submitting so we can properly publish your piece. 
- Must be in Times New Roman Font 

Flash Fiction 
- Prose pieces under 1,000 words
- Must be in 1.15 spacing and in Times New Roman Font

- Prose pieces under 5,000 words
- Must be in 1.15 spacing and in Times New Roman Font

Other Genres 
- Must be in 1.15 spacing and in Times New Roman Font
- Cannot exceed 5, 000 words

Please send your submission to with the genre as the subject and your first and last name. In the body of your email attach your work and write a brief third-person biography that includes where you are from and your age. If you are published the third-person bio will be included with your piece. Attach your works as a Word, Google Document, or PDF.

We accept all pieces from writers ages 12-26. 


All writers 18 and younger will receive at least two lines of editorial feedback on their work regardless of the decision. Writers above 18 can request feedback on their work by writing "I would like feedback" in the body of their email. 

Multilingual Submissions 

The magazine is open to work written in different languages. You can submit your piece in whatever language you want, however, you must include an English translation attached with your piece.

Please send your submission to with the genre as the subject and your first and last name. In the body of your email attach your work and write a brief third-person biography which must include where you are from and your age. Attach your works as a Word or Google document or PDF.

Response times are within two weeks. If your piece is accepted you will be notified. If your piece is not accepted you will also be notified.

We do not tolerate work that promotes homophobia, hate, transphobia, misogyny, sexism, racism, or any form of hatred and bigotry. You will be rejected and blocked.

If you are accepted, Ice Lolly Review asks for First North American publishing and archival rights. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. 

We allow previously published pieces and simultaneous submissions. Please just let us know where the piece was first published so we can properly credit them. 

Blog Submissions

We accept pieces that deal with all types of subjects. Some topics you may consider writing about are social issues, recipes, pop culture, movies, book reviews, etc. The topics are endless and we are very open!

We are also open to blog features in prose, poetry, and art. For poetry, we prefer a collection of 1-3 poems and for prose please try to limit your submission to one piece. If you have an art piece you would like us to consider please attach your piece as a jpeg and tell us what the medium is below. If you have been published before on the blog please wait 6 months before submitting again to the blog. 

To submit email your blog piece to with the title "Blog Submission" as your subject and your piece attached as a pdf, Word, or Google Documents. In the body of your email please include a brief third-person bio including your name and which country/state you are from. Ex. Jessica Wang is from Long Island, New York. She enjoys animating and writing. 
Blog pieces may not exceed 6,000 words.  Prose features cannot exceed 4,000 words. Poem features cannot exceed 200 lines. 

We will respond to your submission within two weeks. 

Ice Lolly Review is listed on Duotrope.

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@2023 Ice Lolly Review

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