We are looking for 1 general editor, 2 poetry editors, and multiple writers for our blog. Unfortunately, we cannot pay editors and writers at this time. The magazine is solely nonprofit and is based on volunteer work. However, we are now offering community service hours for our editors and writers. Why should you join us?
Gain community service hours easily
Improve your editorial and literary skills
Boost your resume
Read over inspiring poetry and prose
Join a passionate team working to expand the teen literary world
Editors are eligible to receive 4 hours of community service per submission period. Writers are eligible to receive 2 hours of community service per article written. Applications will be open until April 30th. Decisions will be emailed on May 7th. We are looking for passionate teens ages 14-20 with ambition and a dedication to writing. You can apply to more than one position if you like, but you will only be chosen for one spot. If you are accepted, we will email you and let you know what to do next. Blog Writer - (2-3 hours per month) Writers are expected to contribute an article (over 500 words) to our blog once every month. The article can be about recipes, pop culture, interviews, social issues, or simple daydreams/ideas. Occasionally, we may ask you to write about a specific topic ex. put together a list of poetry writing prompts. We value accuracy, compassion, and integrity above all. In your sample of work attach journalistic pieces or an interview you hosted. Poetry Editor - (3-4 hours per submission period) As an editor you will be given biweekly (once every two weeks) assignments during submission periods. Poetry editors are expected to read through poetry submissions and determine which are the best fit for our magazine. They are also expected to critique and give quality feedback for poetry submissions. Prior experience is encouraged but not necessary. In your sample of work please attach your best poems. General Editor - (3-4 hours per submission period) As an editor, you will be given biweekly (once every two weeks) assignments during submission periods. General editors are expected to read through poetry and prose submissions and determine which are the best fit for our magazine. They are also expected to critique both poetry and prose and provide quality feedback. Prior experience is encouraged but not necessary. In your sample of work please attach pieces in both prose and poetry. Click here to submit your application.