A Literary Magazine by the Youth and for the Youth
Our name is based on summer sticky fingers and sweet syrup. It's the way the saccharine liquid molds to your teeth and coats your tongue in vibrant colors. It's the feeling of ice underneath plastic and the sharp twinge of coldness against teeth. Give us the sourness, flavors, and shapes. Give us the swirls and textures. Give us works in shades of red, purple, pink, and blue. Give us writing that stains our tongue and leaves us begging for another taste.
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Ice Lolly Review was founded on a hot August day in 2020. Our mission is to provide young writing enthusiasts everywhere with a pastel themed publication and projects/contests specifically for young writers. There are not that many literary magazines that publish young writers and we hope to fill in some of that gap. As writers ourselves we understand the impact recognition and appreciation have had on our own writing journey and how much confidence publication can build. Writers have a vision they want to share, and they have a voice that they want to get out there. We hope to help budding writers grow their voice and their confidence. If you're a young writer who's working on a project or workshop feel free to reach out to us for any advice or assistance! We want to help the youth writing community in any way that we can!

We have received over 3,000 submissions from 54 different countries, 45 different US states, and 6 continents while reaching over 50,000 people.
We have published over 480 young writers and artists and 110+ blog articles. We also nominate published writers for Best of the Net. One of our contributors was a Best of the Net Winner 2022.
We have launched a youth writing contest centered on social justice and distributed a print anthology focused on combatting isolation and loneliness to nursing homes.